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A Message From Pastor Heather

I believe that everyone needs a pastor and everyone needs a community of faith. I want to be your pastor and I would love for Tuskawilla to be your community of faith. I know that for some, church has been a place of judgment and shame, but here at Tuskawilla, I hope you will find a place to experience God's love and grace. 


We are intentional about this being a welcoming place and believe that it is important to have representation of women, people of color, and people from the LGBTQ community in our highest levels of leadership, since those groups have traditionally been underrepresented in the church. Reverend Barbara Riddle faced some hurdles in being accepted as a woman in ministry when she became the founding pastor of Tuskawilla UMC in 1980, but quickly became beloved by the church and community as TUMC flourished under her leadership. We have new challenges today and hope that this can be a place for all people to find a church home. 


While we experience division in the world,  at Tuskawilla, my hope is that we will continue to find our unity in Jesus and the mission he has called us into: making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.


John Wesley said, "Though we cannot think alike, may we not love alike? May we not be of one heart, though we are not of one opinion? Without all doubt, we may. Herein all the children of God may unite, notwithstanding these smaller differences."


I am excited about the future of the United Methodist Church as expressed by the Council of Bishops: A vision that embodies the radical love of God in Christ Jesus, noting that that the church is one, “where traditionalists, progressives, centrists and LGBTQ persons will find a home.”


We would love for you to find a home here with us.


Tuskawilla is committed to being a Lighthouse Church to work in conjunction with UMs Connected to provide a spiritual home for all who are seeking a supportive faith community. To learn more about UMs Connected, click here:


May God's grace be with you,

Pastor Heather

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