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International Outreach

ZOE Empowers Ministry
Helping empower orphans in
6 African Countries and India

ZOE Empowers, an ground-breaking UM mission, is transforming the lives of thousands of orphans and vulnerable children living in extreme poverty in 6 African countries and India. After 3 years, they never need charity again!

The transformation that these orphans experience in the course of three years as they learn to start their own businesses is the highest expectation we have of transforming the world.


Learn more here:

From Beggars To Bosses In 3 Years

There are millions of orphans and vulnerable children lacking the basic necessities of life, with no hope that tomorrow can be better. Guided by the core belief of not doing anything for these young people that they can be taught to do for themselves, Zoe Empowers has identified eight major life areas which hold these young people in life-threatening poverty and equips them to overcome extreme poverty by addressing multiple barriers simultaneously: Food Security, Secure Housing, Health & Hygiene, Education, Income Generation, Child Rights, Community Connection, and Spiritual Strength. 

And the cost? Just $275.76 per child for the entire 3-year program. Unlike other organizations, your money goes so far with Zoe Empowers with an astounding 84% of your money going directly to programs/services/grants for these children, 9.6% to fundraising, and a mere 6.4% going to administrative fees. Folks, in this industry, that is unheard of.  Zoe Empowers is a UMCOR Special Advance-sponsored organization that several Florida Conference UM Churches support, so we can give with confidence! With a reasonable amount like this, think of how many lives TUMC - and our own local community - could directly impact. We are also working on a partnership with another local church to make our impact grow.

We have the opportunity to do something amazing with ZOE Empowersand we have committed as a church can be a part of this powerful mission long-term. God is calling us, and we are answering his call.

La Lima
TUMC's Sister Church in Cuba





Construction of Interior

Construction of Interior

Constriction of Interior 1

Construction of Interior

Construction of Cictern 1

Construction of Cistern

Construction of Cictern

Construction of Cistern

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(407) 699-8155


3925 Red Bug Lake Road

Casselberry, FL 32707

Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Sundays In-person & Online | 11 AM

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