Generosity describes the Christian’s unselfish willingness to give in order to make a positive difference for the purposes of Christ.
2022 Pledge Form
Where does your giving fall on this chart?
Your giving enables TUMC to achieve its missions & ministries through…
Passionate Worship
Family Ministries
Inviting all to worship through
Preaching & Teaching of God’s word
Prayerful resources that grow our relationship with God
Music & praise – Choir, praise band & instrumental music
Making disciples of children, youth and families
Children’s Sunday School & Children’s Church
Family encounter night
Willa kids, Willa Youth, Nursery & Confirmation class
Story time in the park
Community Outreach & Justice
Nurture & Spiritual Formation
Caring for the elderly, homebound & sick
Providing funeral support & grief resources
Inviting & welcoming people
Following-up with prayer & fellowship
Bridge Builders – fighting the sin of racism
Faithfulness & inclusion – LGBTQ
Worship at Tremont
Meeting space – Arbor School, Girl Scouts, HOAs
Hope Helps; Tuskawilla Shepherds; Home kits; Pumpkin patch; Trunk or Treat
Missions Worldwide
Zoe – Empowers orphaned children become business owners
LaLima Church Cuba – Builds relationships across cultures
A 100% apportionment church – Enables UMC achieve its overall ministries
Please consider donating to TUMC to support our many ministries that could not be possible without your tithes and offerings.
In addition to giving we also have other ways for you to contribute, and we need your help! Are you feeling called to help with any of the following?
Volunteer with The Arbor School
Bring non-perishable food items on the first Sunday of every month
Deliver Red Bags to our local schools
Go on a mission trip to visit our sister church in Cuba
Contribute items for a starter kit for our Rethink Homelessness ministry
Join one of our ministry teams to work with others who have similar interests
If you feel called to serve, please email the office to connect with Pastor Heather
At Tuskawilla UMC we welcome your ideas to grow in our service to the community and the world.