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Writer's picturePastor Heather Harding

Beautiful People

One of the things that I both love and hate about being a solo pastor at a church is the wide variety of skills and tasks that are needed for this work. I love it that I get to be involved in all of the workings of the church through the different teams, leaders, staff members, and engaging with the community. I hate it when there are so many different things to learn about that I feel overwhelmed!

The past couple of weeks I had time for my favorite part of being a pastor - breaking bread with people in the congregation. I really enjoy getting to know people beyond the quick handshake on Sunday mornings. While none of us are perfect, being part of a faith community together means that we truly take time to know each other. As we work together, we learn each other's strengths and weaknesses. When we are honest about how we experience God's calling, we live into our spiritual gifts and are happy to defer things to others, who have different spiritual gifts.

As I watched the children practice for their Christmas musical, I felt the years melting away and remembered when I was a young, energetic volunteer, excited to plan and rehearse with the children's choir. While I no longer have the energy that I had back then, or the ability to multitask like I used to, I can appreciate the gifts of the leaders and volunteers who are so great working with the kids and am honored to be a part of it all in whatever way I can be useful.

I sometimes hear people say that their season for serving is over and to that I say, "Bah Humbug!" God always has something new for us, even though it may change over the years. We have many opportunities not only to serve in this season, but to connect with one another. I hope that each of you will take advantage of this time to grow in loving one another in our church family and community.

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