Sunday's message was title Open the Floodgates, in talking about the power of prayer. I shared some prayer breakthroughs I have had and know that when we feel connected in prayer, we have that sense of abundance in our lives.
I greatly appreciate the beautiful time of recognition for Pastor Appreciation Month from Jeff Russell, the Staff Parish Relations Committee, and our wonderful congregation. We are in a good and beautiful place.
Monday, we had our first Administrative Council in the new format. There is a powerful spirit moving within our leadership! Anna, our new chair, led this dynamic team beautifully. We have a mix of new members and people who have been around for a few years. It is truly a great team! We will introduce them in a few weeks.
Tuesday, we made plans to have our annual Trunk or Treat and also added a new event, The First Annual Bob Spitzer Memorial Chili Cook Off to benefit the La Lima church in Cuba. Sense COVID began, we have had to negotiate every event and ask a series of questions. Do we still hold the event? Is it outdoors? How do have to modify the event to keep people safe?
Wednesday, we had our Covenant Call group. This is a small group of people who have experienced the call to ministry. We meet monthly to help them in their discernment process. Pastor Andy Searles was our guest this month and he shared his journey from the Methodist Church in England, to his time at Aloma UMC, to where he is now. As a chaplain for the Orlando City Soccer Club, a chaplain for the Casselberry Police Department, and many other community partners, he is deeply embedded in the community. He is the pastor for Church Together, a church that shares his passion for being out in the world.
Thursday we held our 50+ luncheon. Pastor Kate is great at nurturing the sense of fun and fellowship, while making every single person feel included.
In our newsletter this week, we have a new Bible study beginning, lots of family ministry activities, and some encouragement to participate in our pledge campaign. I hope that each person in our church can feel the leading of the Holy Spirit as we continue growing as a church family.