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Writer's picturePastor Heather Harding

Great Things!

So many great things this week!

Saturday, I worked alongside people from other Casselberry area churches to clean up the lawns of some folks in our community who are elderly or disabled and have received fines. I expected to be tired, but instead I was energized!! It is so great to see transformation!

Sunday, at our Bridge Builders meeting, we had somewhat of a breakthrough. We have been meeting for a year now, and even though we know each other better, we still struggle with cultural misunderstandings. Sunday, we broke through some of that to see one another in a more genuine way. I am so excited about what is happening in this group. We would love for the group to be larger, but have accepted that for right now, God is working in our small group, through people from the 5 churches who are part of it. I greatly appreciate our Tuskawilla Bridge Builders who are faithful in this ministry - Corrine Nassar, Bob Osborne, and Elizabeth Healy.

I have been singing with the UCF Community Choir on Monday evenings. The director, Dr. Kelly Miller was my daughter's high school chorus director at Timber Creek and now she has been named the 2022 College Educator of the Year by the Florida Music Educator Association! We have a concert on Thursday, December 2 at the Dr. Philllips Center for Performing Arts.

Tuesday, Dr. Redding and I had the honor of preaching and leading worship at Wesley at UCF, which is a campus ministry of the Florida Conference. Reverend Erwin Lopez, and his wife Charity lead this wonderful group of students. It was a meaningful to have some conversations with them. They have something called Community Nights (or is it Community Knights?) every other Tuesday. This would be a great opportunity for people from our church to be part of the campus ministry in getting to know the students. They are about to finish for the semester, so we will talk about this more in January!

Wednesday, we had rehearsals for the children's musical and the choir cantata. I have so many Christmas songs in my head right now! I hope everyone will come out and support these two events. A Dickens of a Christmas will be on Friday, December 17 at 7 pm and the cantata will be on that Sunday, December 19 at the 11:00 service.

Other than that, I have spent time meeting with church members and leaders, and reading about the end times in preparation for Christ the King Sunday - the last Sunday of the Christian year!

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